Resilience and the Power of Children

December 19th, 2019 | 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm | L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library - Eau Claire Room | Location: Eau Claire, Wisconsin

“How we respond to the circumstances of our lives defines us.”

This message is the theme of the Power of Children exhibit at Chippewa Valley Museum, and it fits perfectly with Dr. Julie Poehlmann-Tynan’s work. Poehlmann-Tynan is a child clinical psychologist and professor in UW Madison’s Department of Human Development and Family Studies. Her work and research aim to facilitate social justice for children and to understand and promote resilience processes while decreasing risk and trauma exposure.

Dr. Poehlmann-Tynan will present her talk titled “Resilience and the Power of Children” at 7:00p on Thursday December 19 in the Eau Claire room at L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library. Light refreshments and information on the Power of Children exhibit at Chippewa Valley Museum will be available prior to the presentation.

This presentation is made possible by Badger Talks, a privately funded program reflecting the Wisconsin Idea and part of the Office of University Relations at the University of Wisconsin--Madison.